We offer you our elegant parcel collection for Christmas and New Year or Another Speciall Momment. We are using the best products to ensure our quality. There is 2 types of parcel that you can choose between snacks or contemporary glass for your satisfaction.
Items Detail:
a. Snack Parcel:
1. Cadburry Chocolate Choclairs 200gr
2. Sirup Marjan 600ml
3. Teh Hijau “GreenTea” 150gr
4. Kellogs Corn Flakes 150gr
5. Nestle Cheesy Cheddar selai 240gr
6. Sirup Sunkist Mandarin 840ml
7. Selamat Biscuit Box besar 280gr
8. Smuckers Goober Chocolate selai 340gr
9. Belys Fruit Cocktail 850gr
10. Cocacola kaleng (2 buah)
11. Nestle Coffee Matte 450gr
12. Havermout 500gr
13. Value Plus Chocolate @45gr (*ferero rocher)
14. Cookies
b. Contemporary Glass by SOGA & Bistro Collection
1. Diamond Fire shallow canister (toples besar bulat tanpa kaki)
2. Diamond Fire footed shallow canister (toples besar bulat dengan kaki)
3. Diamond Fire footed canister medium (toples panjang dengan kaki ukuran medium)
4. Diamond Fire footed canister large (toples panjang dengan ukuran besar)
5. Cheerful glasses by Bistro Collection, 6 pieces
6. Evening tea set, fine porcelain, 12 pieces
We are hoping that our products will suit your needs.
For Further Information :
(Indah Purnamasari) | (Ratih)
0816 903233 | 0811 988 1786
Twitter : @mamaparcel
Fanpage Facebook : Mama Parcel
Email : mamaparcel@gmail.com
0816 903233 | 0811 988 1786
Twitter : @mamaparcel
Fanpage Facebook : Mama Parcel
Email : mamaparcel@gmail.com